Industrial Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis is a membrane process for desalting saline water by application of hydrostatic pressure to drive the feed water through a semi permeable membrane while a major portion of its impurity content remains behind and is discharged as waste. The pure water (known as permeate or product water) essentially emerges at near atmospheric pressure, while the waste practically remains at its original pressure. In this process the permeate loses its salt content to the brine, which get highly concentrated.
The operating pressure ranges from (300-400) psi.
NPWT has designed a wide range of R.O systems from 1000 – 1,300,000 GPD.

Reverse Osmosis Units Types

1- Commercial R.O
-Range : 500- 10600 GPD
-Commercial uses:
* Water treatment stations
* Hotels
* Car wash

2-Industrial R.O
-Range : 1- 200 m3/hr
Reverse Osmosis System desalinate water, increase equipment life and provide highly purified water.
R.O can be used in the following:
– Pharmaceutical industries
– Food industries… etc
– Agricultural Applications

Main R.O components

S.S High pressure pump


Pressure Vessels

Cartridge filter

Instrumentation: to check the flow rate, TDS, pressure

Control Panel: PLC control & automatic operation